Main » 2011 » September » 11 » Phoebe Teen Vouge fotosessioon
9:18 PM
Phoebe Teen Vouge fotosessioon
Category: Phoebe Tonkin | Views: 858 | Added by: Dobrevic | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Sandra   (2012-08-30 9:15 AM) [Sissekanne]
OK Tiny, howabout beofre you blurt out mindless yoghurt you drink a pint of unrefined oil, followed with a snort of the leaking gas, then wipe some of the chemical solvent on your wrists that they are using to supposedly suppress the contaminants You might feel the pain that all the animals, sea creatures and any human near by feels You might humble yourself and realise that for donkeys years the world could have turned around with water and hemp technologies that are virtually free and can be totally sustainable I guess you like many ride the oil slick of greed?

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