Main » 2011 » Oktoober » 4 » Palju Õnne Jessica!
11:12 PM
Palju Õnne Jessica!
Eile, 3.oktoobril sai Jessica Parker Kennedy 27 aastaseks.  Palju õnne talle tagantjärgi ka The Secret Circle Eesti meeskonna poolt!
Category: Jessica Parker Kennedy | Views: 795 | Added by: Dobrevic | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Nicolas   (2012-03-07 3:49 AM) [Sissekanne]
I adored the tv show. loved the first movie. Hated the sencod at least that part where they went to the middle east. It was so shallow. The clothes had more import than the story. Don't get me wrong the clothes are important, but they should complement the storyline. Instead, when in the middle east, the clothes were so outrageous that it was unbelievable.And the absolute worse offense was Samantha's storyline. the way they handled menopause was deplorable. Also, she was supposed to be a savvy business woman. who can handle anything with style. Instead, they showed that a woman in menapouse is a uncontrolable hysterical freak of nature that loses all touch with reality. That was truly the most offensive part of the sencod movie.So, it it is more of the tv show or the first movie fine, bring it on. If it is going to continue with these grotesque caricatures of what maturing women are like then forget about it. I'd rather watch reruns of the Golden Girls.

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